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Demo session

Why use WOLF-e ROBOTICS systems?

  • We build systems at the highest quality standards
  • We offer customized guidance for every client
  • We have integrated services: micro-aeroflora analysis, product advice, service
  • We guarantee 100% results, based on certified dosimeters
  • Made in Romania.
Contact us!

Demo Session

Do you want to understand more about air and surface disinfection at work? We pay you a visit at your office or institution and perform a Demo Session on how to maintain a healthy, clean, disinfected workspace with our smart devices.

The session has two parts: the DEMO and validation of results with certified tests. During the Demo Session you will learn essential things about how you can ensure a healthy environment without viruses, bacteria and how to prevent infections at the office. Our specialists will assist you if you have any questions.

After a Demo Session with us, you will look at air and surface cleanliness from a completely different view and you will discover valuable information applied to everyday life, both professionally and personally. We will teach you how to prevent infections, the spread of viruses and bacteria and how to remove 99.99% of airborne pathogens from any environment.

  • Produs
  • Breez
  • Volum aer filtrat: 182,5 mc/oră
  • Timp necesar: 25 min / cameră
  • Construcție: Oțel gavanizat, inox(opțional)
  • Lungime undă: 254 nm (spectrul UV-C)
  • Control: Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / Buton fizic
  • Moduri de lucru: Manual / Temporizator
  • Lumină ambientală: RGB + animaţii, 2 zone (sus/jos)
  • Display*: Informații despre calitatea aerului*
  • Produs
  • CoBOT-19
  • Lămpi de putere mare, acoperire 360° - timp de expunere scurt
  • Sistem de management centralizat al operațiunilor de dezinfecție
  • Control de la distanță prin aplicație mobilă în limba română
  • Telefon mobil inclus enterprise-grade pentru rularea aplicației
  • Decuplare automată la detecția de mișcării: 4 senzori de prezență, acoperire 360°
  • Ușor de curățat, ușor instalat si exploatat
  • Opțional: poate fi construit din inox
  • Opțional: poate fi dotat cu baterii